LES PTO teaming up with King Soopers for Fundraising…

Feed Your Family, Fund Lyons Elementary School!

As of April 1st, King Soopers has made their fundraising program easier for the consumer.  You are no longer required to buy prepaid King Sooper gift cards.  Now,

every time a supporter shops for groceries and swipes their King Sooper Card (or enter Alt ID), your organization (Lyons Elementary School) automatically starts earning a rebate.

King Soopers will pay up to $125,000 per cycle to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating King Soopers Community Rewards organizations.

King Soopers limits contributions every cycle to a maximum contribution of $2.5 million, to be distributed among all participating and eligible organizations.

Yes! You will still earn fuel points and there is no additional cost to the shopper.

It is VERY important to register your loyalty number NOW! 


This is what you need to do:

Scroll to the bottom of the page > Community > Community Rewards>Enroll

Search for Lyons Elementary School PTO either by name or SU480 and then click Enroll.

New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a loyalty card.

For more information including privacy –



For questions call, text or email Ivete Liliensteins

303-229-9137     [email protected]

Spread the word – Encourage your extended family members to link their loyalty cards too.


Lyons Elementary School