On Saturday, April 20th, 27 femme’s and 16 volunteers immersed themselves in SCIENCE! All participants started with a chemistry experiment with chromotography and tshirts, then transitioned to a specialized area of choice. Those in Math learned the wonders of code with Ceaser Wheels, Biology, discovered the wonders of DNA, Technology participants used SCRATCH to code, Engineering femme’s designed a cost effective egg drop which they tested on the roof (who knew we had a door that leads right out onto the roof!) and Physics used tuning forks to hear and discover the wonders of sound waves. Participants had a working lunch, prepping posters and presentations for the afternoon Science Fair where they “showed what they know”. Fun was had by all and the day culminated with a photo and final successful egg drop on the roof! We are hoping to make this an annual event, so get ready for next year…..