Lyons Elementary partners with RMNP for some amazing experiences!

Forget that long, boring bus drive to Denver!  All grade levels will be participating in some amazing field trips this spring in RMNP. 

Field Trip Programs

Grades K-2 Winter Detectives Students become winter detectives and search for clues to solve the mysteries of winter in Rocky Mountain National Park. By looking for signs of life in the snow, students will discover a completely different world that exists only during the winter.

Grades 3-5 Winter Explorers Students will become snow explorers and uncover the importance of snow in the sub alpine environment. Students will follow animal tracks, search under the snow, and discover the challenges animals face and their adaptations to survive the harsh winters.

Our 5th grade will be participating in the Survival Program this year: Winter Mountain Safety and Survival Students learn what materials to bring and what skills to know in order to survive a winter worstcase-scenario. They assess avalanche danger, use transcievers to locate a buried “person,” and build a snow shelter. 

Lyons Elementary School