LEAF in partnership with Lyons Elementary School
Why do we participate in an annual Holiday Food Drive?
Quite simply, we need to support others in our Lyons community.
● 10.7% of residents in Boulder County are living in poverty
● 1 in 9 children in Colorado face hunger
● The Lyons Community Food Pantry supports an average of 35-40 households a week
● The COVID pandemic has increased the number of households that need our help!
What is LEAF?
LEAF is an acronym for Lyons Emergency & Assistance Fund
● LEAF is a nonprofit human services organization for people in need in the Greater Lyons area
● LEAF offers five programs including Lyons Community Food Pantry, Basic Needs & Resource
Matching, Lyons Meals on Wheels, Mental Wellness & Addiction Recovery, and Lyons Volunteers
What can we do?
We can fill this brown paper bag with NON-EXPIRED non-perishable food and household items and bring it
back to school. Drop off is
Monday, November 29th and continuing through Friday, December 10th.
Leave all donations in the blue wagons near the front of the school.
Here is a list of ideas:
Food items
● Pasta/Flavored Pasta
● Canned tomato products
● Rice/Flavored rice/Brown rice/couscous/quinoa/lentils
● Beans (canned pinto, black, refried, kidney, etc., baked beans, dried beans)
● Canned Vegetables
● Soup
● Canned meals (stew, chili, ravioli)
● Cereal/oatmeal
● Jam/Jelly/Honey
● Snacks and single serve snacks
● Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, pickles, olives, marinades, sauces)
● Juice/juice boxes/hot chocolate mix/Coffee(ground)
● Canned fruit/applesauce and single serve fruit/applesauce cups
● baking products (muffin and pancake mixes, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, yeast)
Non-Food items
● Paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, tissues)
● Laundry products
● Cleaning products
● Pet items (dog and cat food, cat litter, treats, and toys)
Thank you! Together we can make a difference.
For more information:
Please contact Regan Bullers if you would like to assist with donations on food drive days [email protected]
Online donations can be made to LEAF at www.leaflyons.org
Checks can be made to LEAF and given to the school for collection.