1st Grade: How Do Scientists Make Scientific Drawings?

In September, 1st grade students studied past and present day items courtesy of the Longmont Museum. Students looked at artifacts from the past, and tried to identify their use and significance in past and present times.  Many of these items still have utility today, but have been developed to meet modern societal needs.  Students continued to compare items and photos from ‘Then and Now’ as they explored the Lyons Redstone Museum throughout the month with Mrs. Lennard as a part of our robust library programming

Additionally, students began their Scientific Drawing project with Mrs. Russ.  Over the course of the school year, students will work with Mrs. Russ to complete drawings of the Butterfly Garden as it changes and grows over time. 

The Butterfly Garden is a year long first grade project, and this year we were pleased to observe Monarch Butterflies on our milkweed and also SwallowTail caterpillars! This has been a multi-year project, so we are grateful for all the students and parents who have helped build these gardens!

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Lyons Elementary School