On September 9th, LYE students will YoYo their way to good behavior and FUN with the NED Program. This school-wide character education program centers around a 45 minute assembly called The NED Show. NED is a loveable cartoon character whose name is an acronym for Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best. Teachers love that NED is simple, relatable and kid-focused.
For over 25 years, they’ve used yo-yo tricks in their school performances. This bit of old-fashioned fun helps us be entertaining and unforgettable in the mind of a child as wethey share how “NED” learns to never give up, encourage others and do his best.

They also share that while yo-yoing is cool and simple, it’s not always easy. Everyone who learns to yo will make mistakes along the way. Students are told that if they try yo-yoing, it’s important to learn from mistakes and never give up. Teachers and parents often see children practice persistence and find great fulfillment in doing their personal best as they learn to yo with NED. Best of all, this “NED mindset” is infinitely transferable to school subjects!
AND EVERY STUDENT will receive a YOYO! Thanks Lyons Elementary PTO – Jogathon $$ at work!